As If
Monday 3 June 2013 - Filed under Uncategorized
It’s as if the words “Congress shall make no law” have some room for interpretation or something. The New Yorker:
In the long run, to rebalance the national-security state and to otherwise revitalize American democracy, the United States requires a Supreme Court willing to deepen protections for investigative reporters, as the majority in Branzburg would not. In response to criticism about the A.P. case, Obama has reintroduced federal legislation that would clarify journalists’ rights. Such a federal “shield law” might be constructive, but new legislation with overly broad national-security exceptions would be even worse than the status quo.
The Supreme Court’s ONLY responsibility in this matter is to say “look, government; this shit isn’t that hard. “Congress shall make no law” means Congress shall make no fucking law, goddammit.” And yes, carving out “special circumstances” which recognize “national security” in any shape is a really bad fucking idea.
2013-06-03 » madlibertarianguy