
The Importance of Personal Responsibility

Monday 14 June 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + POTUS

Sheryl Gay Stolberg in The New York Times on Obama’s commencement address at a Michigan High School:

Mr. Obama has spoken often of the importance of personal responsibility, especially in urging parents to be more engaged in raising their children. He returned to the responsibility theme in Kalamazoo, paired the message with a lament about Washington finger-pointing, when he said, “It’s the easiest thing in the world to start looking around for someone to blame.”

If only he might take heed of his own fucking advice.  If Obama had any notion of what taking responsibility means he would 1) stop blaming Bush for everything (a practice in which he has engaged countless times since taking office,  2) he would have sent a firm message about the importance of personal responsibility by NOT FUCKING BAILING OUT EVERY COMPANY WHO CAME GROVELLING FOR GOVERNMENT MONEY, and 3) he would not have told America “don’t worry about your own personal health care, someone else will pay for that for you” by authoring and signing in to law ObamaCare.

Obama seems to understand very little of what personal responsibility is, yet somehow can lecture kids on how it makes one an adult.  I have just one thing to say about that, Mr. President:  how about a nice big cup of ‘Shut the Fuck Up’.


1.  As I’ve said before, I would not want to pretend that Bushie didn’t leave Obama and Co. a shitty diaper, but it seems clear that all Obama has done is take it and smear said shit on the wall.

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2010-06-14  »  madlibertarianguy


  1. Seriously? | mad libertarian guy
    1 July 2010 @ 1:03 am

    […] Obama in a speech given in Racine, WI as he once again blames Republicans because his own progressive government spending measures don’t work: They still believe that […]