
Hypocritical Bunch

Sunday 20 June 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + POTUS

I would imagne that the very same people who are bitching and complaining about Tony Hayward going on his yacht yesterday have absolutely nothing to say about Obama’s various golf outings since the oil spill (regardless of the fact that neither of them can personally do anything about the spill).  I won’t begrudge any man from enjoying life, including Obama, and I think that everything written about either Hayward or Obama concerning the oil spill is full of BS hyperbole, but if we’re going to be petty and bitch about a man going out with his family on a weekend, regardless of the circumstances in which he might find himself, we need to lay blame on the guy who says he’s in control of the cleanup too.

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2010-06-20  »  madlibertarianguy