
More Tax Language Trickery

Thursday 19 August 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + Economy + Government + Journalism

The Times, again, bending reality to fit their narrative of tax cuts adding to government debt:

Republicans say cutting taxes would ease millions of families’ financial difficulties while encouraging the creation of jobs. But tax cuts mean higher government deficits, and Thursday’s report illustrated that clearly, estimating that extending the entire Bush tax cut package would cost at least $3.3 trillion over the next decade — a huge amount to heap onto deficits already expected to be enormous.

In their cries to reduce the deficit, Republicans don’t mention that one way to do it would be to let those tax cuts expire.

Again, Democrat cum receptacles. Debt is not measured by how much less money you make than you spend, but by how much more you spend than you make.

Reckless government spending is not a fucking right, but me keeping as much of my money as I can is, your fucking agenda be damned.

And though perhaps Team Red hasn’t mentioned that “one way to [cut the deficit] would be to let those tax cuts expire”, I’m pretty sure they’ve mentioned about a billion fucking times that cutting spending is.

Goddammit, how long are we going to have to deal with this bullshit “woe is government because we rich people don’t give it enough money” meme hoisted upon us by hack journalist fucks?

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2010-08-19  »  madlibertarianguy