
Food Police

Sunday 3 October 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + Government

I’m having a really fucking hard time imagining why the federal government should have any fucking role whatsoever in deciding what we the people should and should not eat. Especially considering that the means for deciding who is and is not obese is deeply flawed. The issue of obesity in society is no longer about health, but about bureaucrats in ugly suits weighing the wishes of lobbyists and ideological crusaders and trying to make one-size-fits-all policy decisions for 300,000,000 people. In other words, par for the fucking course where the favored1 win, and everybody else loses (especially the taxpayers who are paying untold millions of dollars for a fucking chart that nobody pays any goddamn attention to). And a great job their doing, too.

1. And by favored I mean whichever group or company “donates” and grovels the most.

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2010-10-03  »  madlibertarianguy


  1. Anna!
    3 October 2010 @ 2:20 pm

    You know, the government did back Soylent. And we all know where Soylent green comes from… people.