
Hard to Argue

Monday 4 October 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + election

I’ve never been one to put Obama or his policies in the same “socialist” camp that the Becks and Limbaughs of the world have (though said policies certainly do lean socialist in nature), but it’s becoming increasingly hard to argue that those who most fervently support his agenda in Washington are not only socialists, but openly advocate socialism as the best path for us as a nation. From the “One Nation” rally on October 2.


It’s hard to deny socialism as a part of your platform when the vast majority of your most loyal, vocal supporters openly and proudly display socialism as their preferred political system.

And, in direct contrast to the Beck rally, which had a much larger audience, they were also hard at work trying to create trash collector jobs by leaving fucking garbage all over the joint. I guess when you expect the government to provide for your every need, or more correctly, when you expect the rich to provide for your every need via the use of government force, expecting that someone ought to pick up after you is a natural compulsion.

For comparison:

After Beck’s Rally

After the One Nation Rally

2010-10-04  »  madlibertarianguy