
Douchebag of the Week

Friday 23 July 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery

Senator John Kerry. Cato explains:

In the future, dictionary publishers should get rid of their existing definitions for “hypocrisy” and replace them with a photo of Massachusetts Sen.ator John Kerry. He’s just been caught committing the horrible sin of saving his family more than $500,000 by domiciling his new yacht in Rhode Island (which is a tax haven for such luxuries) rather than his home state. Or at least Senator Kerry says that tax planning is a horrible sin when conducted by “Benedict Arnold” companies and facilitated by those wicked tax havens. But I guess that it’s not such a bad thing when Senator Kerry is protecting his wealth. For the rest of us peasants, it’s our job to meekly get in line and submit to whatever taxes Senator Kerry graciously decides to impose.

If this doesn’t meet every requirement for douchebag extraordinaire, I’m not sure what does. I’m not saying he isn’t doing right by keeping his yacht in a tax haven (why should the government be entitled to a shit load of money because he has a big boat?), but that he has openly accused said behavior as bad, while actively voting to raise taxes at every turn, is especially douchie.

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2010-07-23  »  madlibertarianguy