
Which is it?

Wednesday 28 July 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery + Government

The demotards are playing the doublespeak game again? The Washington Post:

Democratic leaders unveiled a plan Wednesday to link the Republican Party to some of the most extreme elements of the “tea party” movement, seeking to define all GOP candidates as outside the mainstream by highlighting such tea party talking points as ending Medicare and privatizing Social Security.

Really? The Republicans are looking to all be tea party politicians despite opposing virtually every tea party candidate in the primaries because they weren’t seen as real Republicans?

Democrats said they would make the case [that establishment Republicans and tea party members are the same] when they return home next month for town hall meetings and other campaign events that Republicans would govern by returning to Bush-era economic policies and by embracing the tea-party agenda.

Wait, what? Tea party economic policies and those of George Bush are not even remotely similar. They’re not even in the same ballpark. Something doesn’t pass the sniff test here. The tea party exists partly as a response to Bush’s huge government too big to fail policy, and now you’re trying to convince me they’re the same?

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.), chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, issued a statement accusing Democrats of practicing “the politics of fear.”

“How quickly the politics of hope have been replaced by the politics of fear, as public support has eroded for the Democrats’ reckless spending agenda,” Cornyn said. “As they attempt to re-brand and re-calibrate their election-year strategy yet again, Democrats forget that the problem isn’t their message — it’s their big-government policies.”

Aaaahhhhhh. I understand. I’m not quick to agree with many republitards, but Senator Cornyn has a point. Conflating tea party politics with the neo-cons is simply a method of scaring those of us who still have a bad taste in our mouths from Bushie.

Good job with the hope and change, guys. It’s so very refreshing to see scare politics as per usual. I thought that was supposed to change?

Let’s see if we can get a bit of intellectual honesty from you here. Which is it? Are you scared that we’ll go back to neo-con economics? Or those of the tea party?

2010-07-28  »  madlibertarianguy