
But…but…We’re Progressive.

Friday 22 October 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery

Radley Balko at Reason concerning the firing of NPR’s Juan Williams over comments he made about being weary of Muslims at the airport:

Which brings me to the Clarence Thomas Rule. It goes something like this: When a black person expresses views that liberal elites have deemed unacceptable for black people to hold, it is permissible for good liberals to respond by implying that said black person is either too stupid or too corrupt to think for himself, and to then call that black person racist names. In fact, not only are both responses permissible and not racist, they are a recommended way of displaying your open-mindedness.

Having taught at a liberal institution (The University of Kentucky), alongside unabashed liberals for many years, I can vouch for the idea that the liberal elite (or at least those who one day hope to be attending the cocktail parties) do hold particular opinions about what is and isn’t acceptable for minorities to believe, especially when it comes to liberal political policy. And they don’t have very nice things to say about those who don’t hold said views.1

1. For instance, look at the comments at this blog, and decide for yourself how quickly liberals are to cast a minority as a race traitor for holding not-establishment-approved ideas.

2010-10-22  »  madlibertarianguy