
Food Nazis Strike Again

Thursday 4 November 2010 - Filed under Dumbassery

San Francisco has officially become a fucking nanny zone by taking away the fucking happy meal. For our own good of course.

Fucking nanny statists deserve a miserable death, and those who vote for these fuckers deserve everything they get.

2010-11-04  »  madlibertarianguy


  1. anna!
    6 November 2010 @ 5:58 pm

    The federal government in Roe v Wade quite clearly stated that if I wanted to terminate a pregnancy, I could.

    I would *like* to assume that would protect any other rights I have to my own body and control there of.

    In otherwords, if I can control what comes out, I should have control of what goes in, regardless of consequences *I* have to face in the future.

    If my choice is to a fatass, so be it.. It’s MY RIGHT TO CHOOSE.