
A Politician I Can Stand Behind (for now)

Saturday 6 November 2010 - Filed under election + Gary Johnson

There are very few politicians I can legitimately support. The Libertarian Party party is known for putting political non-starters and intellectual duds on ballots, and principled Team Donkey or Team Elephant candidates are about as common as Sasquatch. But here’s a guy that I can put some weight behind. Gary Johnson (former governor of New Mexico) has all of the good republican principles minus the social conservative clap-trap that makes for luddites. He’s for ending the War on Drugs, a return of sanity in how the government respects our civil liberties, instituting a rational approach to immigration reform, never supported the war in Iraq (and is for immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan as well), minimizing the government’s impact on private industry, environmental conservationism (NOT environmentalism), sane levels of taxation and government spending, and a return to limited federal government as spelled out in the Constitution.

2010-11-06  »  madlibertarianguy